want to get found on google?

icon of computer with bar graphs on it with a magnifying glass over the letters SEO
icon of computer with bar graphs on it with a magnifying glass over the letters SEO

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. Which is just an industry way of saying, "letting Google know your business exists." SEO is not easy for someone who hasn't tried to work with it before and even harder for someone like you who already has so much going on with the day-to-day of running their business.

For Mid Tenn Digital Marketing, SEO is simple. We know all the tips and tricks of SEO to get your business on page 1 of Google and have it stay there.

let us optimize your website!

sEO simplified

As we said, SEO can be complicated. There are many factors that go into optimizing your website for search engines. However, after years of working on websites and SEO, we have simplified it to the point where it's almost second nature.

There are a lot of factors that go into SEO. Alt text for photos, word count per page, ease of use, keywords in headlines and so on. The list gets EXTENSIVE to say the least. However there is a formula to make sense of the madness. We here at Mid Tenn Digital Marketing know it ike the back of our hand.

First we start with your website. How easy is it for customers to find the information they need? Do they have to comb through pages upon pages to find the info they're looking for? Or is the website optimized for user experience and allow those who visit it to find what they're looking for quickly and easily? We simplify your website (or we can build it for you) so that customers see everything they need and don't get lost in useless information causing paralysis by analysis.

Then we will add in all of the special ingredients like adding alt text to photos. Alt text is simply adding descriptions to photos that search engines, like Google, can see. they don't appear on your website under the photos but are instead coded within the data of the photo itself. That way if someone is looking for a dog groomer and you have a picture on your website of you grooming a dog and have alt text included, Google may suggest that photo to the user with a link to visit your website. Besides alt texts there are many behind the scenes elements that we code into your website to make it easier for Google to find and the easier a website is for Google to find, the more likely they are to put you on page 1 of search results related to your business all without having to spend money on ads. We call this "Organic Traffic."

After all of the special spices and seasonings are added to your website, we look at your Google Business Listing and Social Media accounts to make sure they are optimized for search engines as well. Once you add all of these ingredients together you get a tailor made, search engine optimized, online presence that makes it easier for potential customers to find you online.

ready to be on page 1 of google?

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