Our Process
It's as simple as 1, 2, 3!
Digital marketing is hard. We know that. You probably know that too if you've tried to get more customers in your door using online methods of marketing. You spend and spend and spend but still don't see much difference in your total volume of customers or clients. That's where Mid Tenn Digital Marketing comes in. We have made the process simple for you! Simply let us take all the hassle of trying to marketing your business online while you sit back and do what it is that you do best: run your business.
From start to finish the whole process is straight forward and easy for you. We aren't one of those companies that tries to hide the ball from you so we can "keep our industry secrets". Instead we take a different approach. You are our client yes, but you're also our partner. And as our partner we want you to be able to have as much or as little direct involvement as you want. Want to oversee every post, website page, design, and so on? By all means! It's your company! Want to sit back and let us do the work for you? Absolutely! However you want it, you can have.
So what is our marketing process anyways? We're glad you asked. It's three simple steps:
Help us learn about your business
Formulate a marketing strategy for your business
Execute that strategy and get more customers
It starts with you
We start with you and your business. You help to teach us everything there is to know about your business. What you do, how you do it, and most importantly what makes your business unique! The more we know, the more effective we can be. For example: every bakery competes against other bakeries selling generally the same products. So how do you set your bakery apart from the rest? That's the question that you, your employees, and your customers are asking. That's where we come in. By finding what it is about your business that makes it unique, we can set ourselves up for step number 2...

Strategize a Gameplan
Now that we know more about your business and what makes it special, it's time to take all that we learned and formulate a digital marketing strategy specially tailored for your business. There's no one size fits all approach for a digital marketing strategy. At least not an effective one! What works for you may not work for someone else. So now we figure out what route you need to take. Will your business benefit from Social Media ads? Should you rework your Website? Maybe what your business needs is an effective Search Engine Optimization campaign for all of your online platforms! Once we have our gameplan, it's time for step 3...

Make it happen
Now it's time to put it all together! We know what makes your business unique and we have effectively strategized a gameplan for your digital marketing campaign. All that's left to do is put it into action! We will take whatever route we have determined will best suit your business' needs and implement them into an all-in-one marketing campaign. This is the part where you step back and let us do what we do best. We will run your campaign for you in the background, periodically checking in with you to make sure we're meeting your expectations because at the end of the day our main goal is to help your business grow.

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122 Deery Street
Shelbyville, TN 37160
Consultation by appointment only
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