The marketing funnel

A marketing funnel describes your customer’s journey with you.

From the initial stages when someone learns about your business, to the purchasing stage, marketing funnels map routes to conversion and beyond.

The basics of the funnel have been around since the 1900s, helping businesses understand just where their customers are at in the buying process. Marketing funnels simplify the customer journey and make it easier for companies to follow. These solutions map out each stage of their client’s decision process and plan the steps they want to take in each.

A marketing funnel applies to almost any customer interaction. Whether you’re looking for online sales, generating traffic for your brick and mortar store or collecting clicks as an affiliate, you need a marketing funnel. The funnel is powerful way to bring visibility to every stage of connecting with your customer.

The biggest benefit of marketing funnels is their measurability. Your funnel shows you where you’re losing customers, to help you pivot your strategy. For instance, if you lose customers before they ever get to the second stage, you need a better brand awareness campaign.

The long and short of it is, the marketing funnel is what we use to help you understand where an individual is at in the buying process.

What is it?

the five stage marketing funnel shown in gray and orange
the five stage marketing funnel shown in gray and orange

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The awareness stage of the marketing funnel is when potential customers first learn about a product or service and become aware of a problem they have. It's the first step in the buyer's journey.

During this phase potential customers become aware, identify a problem, and look for solutions. This is when customers first learn about a product or service. They may learn about this through social media, advertising, or word of mouth. Often times they are discovering a product or service that will solve a solution to a problem they might not have even realized they had. Nonetheless they are indeed seeing that they have a problem and are starting to look for a solution. Your goal is that the solution they are looking for is you and your business. Potential customers are also considering different options to solve their problem and weighing their options.

So what's the goal of your business for marketing to potential customers in this phase? Simple. As the name suggests your goal is to make potential customer aware of you, your business, and the services or products you offer. Setting yourself apart from the competition can help you stand out for potential customers in this phase. This however is not the time to focus on one particular customer base. The goal for this stage is to keep things broad and cast a wide net. The more potential customers that you can make aware, the more you can carry over into the next phase.


The consideration stage of the marketing funnel is when potential customers have now determined that they have a problem and are researching and comparing products or services to determine which one they want to buy.

During this phase the customer is trying to make a good decision and has determined that they are going to purchase a product but are weighing their options. Your goal during this phase is to properly educate the customer to the point where they have no more questions and have determined that your business is the best option.

There are several "steps" that you can take in order to get the potential client into the next phase. You need to educate your customers on how your product or service can meet their needs. Businesses can achieve this by creating detailed product descriptions that explain its benefits. Apply these on your website, socials, search engine listings, and so on to make sure you are reaching max visibility. Something that can help is letting potential customers know exactly what others who have done business with you. Include reviews and testimonials to show legitimacy. At the end of the day, when a customer is in this stage of the process it's vital that you answer their questions, value their time, and create content that converts.


The conversion stage of the marketing funnel is when a someone goes from potential customer to a customer. They have decided your business is one that can solve their problem and have now purchased a product or service.

During this phase the customer has now become a first time buyer of your products. Often times it is good practice to determine what it was that you did that convinced them to become a customer. Some agencies will let the funnel end there as you have successfully taken the customer from not even knowing who you are to them buying from you. However we have two more steps as we feel they are very important to growing your business.


The loyalty stage of the marketing funnel is when customers go from one time purchasers to repeat buyers.

This stage focuses more on customer experience than marketing itself. You have but one chance to make a good first impression. Customer service, experience, and outcome are the biggest factors. Were your customers treated well? Were their needs met? Did your staff give them the appropriate amount of time to ensure their experience was as good as possible. Your main goal is make your customer understand that when it comes to your field of work, you are the expert and there is nowhere else they need to look.

Customer retention goes a long way as it is often much cheaper to keep a current customer than convert a new one. Repeat customers already know you, what you do, and how you can help. Potential customers don't. They are at the top of the funnel which means you need to spend money of creating content, educating them on your products, and so on. It is far much easier and CHEAPER to get someone who has already been through the funnel to buy from you again.


The advocacy stage is he last stage of the marketing funnel when a customer is so pleased by the quality of your service, products, and business that they will go out of their way to tell others about your business. Subsequently becoming walking billboards for YOUR business!

Advocacy is vitally important to a business' growth. The most time tested form of marketing is good old fashioned word of mouth. People value what others in their own community think. Getting customers to this stage is great way to have customers share their reviews, give referrals, and share on social media.

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